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5 Tips for Successful Living

There once was a man who lived in a foreign land. Although he had a good job, this man's life was filled with troubles. His grief was brought up by the mean treatment he received from a very rich man who hated him with all his guts. The man in our story was called Mordecai, and the rich man who troubled him was Haman, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Persia.

Mordecai always took his job very seriously, yet Haman was often harrassing and sometimes threatened him. Regardless, Mordecai did not allow himself to become intimidated by Haman's threats and evil schemes. His faith in God empowered him with all the courage he needed to remain strong amidst his difficulties; so, he kept on moving on despite the challenges he faced each day.

As Haman's hatred grew bigger, he became meaner to Mordecai. One day, he decided to exterminate his nemesis along with his people. Haman's plan increased the worries of Mordecai. However, the good man put his trust in God. Then, he sent messengers to Esther, Queen of Persia, asking her to do something to save him and his people. Shortening the story, the queen spoke with King Xerses, the Prime Minister's evil plans were unmasked, and Mordecai and his people survived the genocide that Haman had planned for them.

According to reputable sources , this story was written around the 2nd century BCE, but the passing of the centuries has not minimized the impact it has had on people's lives of those who have read or heard about it. The story conceals many valuable lessons about things like faith, loyalty, dealing with difficult people, and coping with difficulties, among others. Here are some things this story taught me about coping with difficulties and succeeding in life.

5 Tips to Succeed in Your Endeavors Despite the Difficulties

  1. Declutter your mind - Troubles and hurdles can cause people to think too much about their situations. This behavior is likely to overwhelm people with ruminating thoughts about the things that escape their control. It can also feed people's anxieties and clutter their minds with excessive worries. Therefore, like Mordecai, people who want to succeed in life must do away with unnecessary or excessive worries and focus on attaining their goals.

  2. Brainstorm solutions to your problems - A crowded mind conceives cloudy thoughts, but a peaceful mind can elaborate more better ideas. Then, people can use those ideas to plan their next moves. Mordecai's idea turned into a plan that saved him and his people. This goes to tell us that without planning, good ideas would remain as mere ideas and people's situations will remain unchanged. Therefore, planning is important.

  3. Implement your plans - This step involves the enacting of ideas that have been crafted into action plans. Mordecai executed his plan the moment he sent a messenger to see Queen Esther. His initiative teaches us that implementation requires commitment, diligence, and hard work. All these things are essential to succeed in one's endeavors.

  4. Have a back up plan - Sometimes, people's plans do not work out as well as they should. However, success-driven individuals will not give up on their endeavors. They will always have a secondary plan or idea to replace or improve plans that have failed, and will not give up on their efforts until they meet their goals. Mordecai did not have a back up plan, but he trusted in God and eventually, he and his people were allowed to fight back against their oppressors. Fighting back was their back up plan for them (Esther 8:9-15).

  5. Trust in God - The tumbling hurdles of this life can complicate things for anyone. However, entrusting one's issues unto the Lord through humble prayer is a positive initiative that has helped many people devise asserted solutions to their troubles. Mordecai did this and was delivered from his problems. We too can do the same and overcome our difficulties through faith in good.

Now, I would like to ask you: When was the last time you prayed about your issues? What has been the outcome of your situations? Ponder upon these things you are reading and know that God loves and cares for everyone. He always hears and answers the prayers of His children because He is faithful. The Bible tells us of His invitation: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things that you do not know,,," (Jeremiah 33:3). Indeed, God has great plans for us. If we trust Him, He will come through for us and help us succeed in our endeavors.

Thus, I would like to encourage you to trust in God and wait upon Him because He is mighty to deliver His own. Believe in the Almighty and find refuge under the shadow of His wings (Psalm 91:1, 15). He will prosper your plans and protect you from evil.


Read God's with you: Confident Assurance for Triumphant Living. Its contents will certainly enrich your personal devotional experience. Available on our online shop.

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