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Courage to Live By

This week we are celebrating all the courageous men and women who sacrificed their lives for the sake of this Country. Although these heroes are now peacefully resting in their burial chambers, their acts of courage have not been forgotten. If they could, they would tell us about the perils they faced and the hurdles that led to their courageous sacrifices. Surely, their service came at a great cost for us all. Hence, we must honor their memories and follow after the example they set for us.

Therefore, we remember these courageous heroes, honor their memories, and appreciate their courageous acts of valor. We might not face our foes in the same manner they did, but we too have battles to fight and conquer. This battle is none other than the war between good and evil. This war has caused much death and sufferings in the world. The battle between good and evil has engulfed the entire humanity.

Thus, we all have battles to fights and victories to win. Some of them are very big, others are very small. Sometimes, the conflicts of life could become so intense that wining our battles may seem hopeless or impossible. The conflicts of this life could mark people’s lives with unwanted troubles, difficulties, and even tragedies.

These things often bring sadness and despair into people’s hearts and homes. These types of situations might tempt folks to give up in the middle of their conflicts. However, giving up will never be a suitable option to anyone. Rather, we must follow after the example that our fallen heroes have left behind for us. They left us a legacy of strength and courage, which will help us endure till the very end.

We must also follow after the example of the Hero of heroes, our Lord Jesus Christ. He abandoned the courts of heaven and became a man of sorrows, who bore our sins and sorrows, fought evil on our behalf. His blood paid the price for our redemption and because of his sacrifice, we now have brighter hopes for a better future.

Surely, the battle between good and evil is not over yet, but the evil one has been mortally wounded. Although he is still bringing sorrows and tragedies into our lives, we must not be afraid. Jesus fought evil for us. He is always by our side, helping us win new victories each day. So, let us brave and courageous like the heroes who sacrifice everything for us.

The Bible says that we are engaged in a battle against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6: 11, 12). Therefore, we must be brave and courageous and “endure hardships, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2Timothy 2:3). Thus, our battlefield could be home, with your spouse and/or children, at work, with your associates or clients, at school, with your peers, in your community, with friends and acquaintances, in the financial realms, in healthcare field, or in any other aspect of life, which may bring bad news, troubles or difficulties into your life. However, we are not alone in the middle of our conflicts.

The Lord is always with us, even in the bad times. He is always by our side. The heat of the battle might be enormous, but with God’s help, we all can go on and conquer. Therefore, let us face our battles and overcome our difficulties courageously. With God's help, we will overcome. One day, the Lord will put an end to bad news, despairs, sufferings, and death (Revelations 21:1). The Lord has promised to make all things new and perfect (Revelations 21: 1,5). Meanwhile, let us find comfort in the promise attain victory over difficulties through faith in God.


Learn more about God and His plan for your life. Read the book, God is with You, Confident Assurance for Triumphant Living. Available in our online shop

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