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Five Insights to Face Difficulties - II

Updated: Mar 15, 2022

I don't know about you, but as a middle age woman, I am always chasing after opportunities to improve and re-invent myself. Although, sometimes things could get convoluted and even controversial. Has this ever happened to you? If so, perhaps you are familiar with the following questions: What should a person do about difficulties and unsettling situations? How should people approach their problems, adversities, controversies, and other unwanted things that happen each day?

These questions could have multiple answers because each individual has different ways to go about his or her problems. However, one thing is certain, those who keep on moving forward despite adversities and unwelcoming situations, are more likely to make strides despite facing besetting difficulties.

These individuals are bound to overcome hurdles and reach their goals because their daily dispositions enact the kind of empowering optimism and can-do-attitude that turn them into overcomers. This positive attitude towards the troubles encodes the secret for success that everyone would like to achieve in life. It is also an incentive to become the best version of oneself anyone could ever be.

Nowadays, many things are happening simultaneously in the world. Illnesses, calamities, hardships, and financial difficulties are causing millions of people to feel perplexed, overwhelmed, and incapable of dealing with their own situations.

To make matters worse, the wave of violence that have overtaken many nations, cities, and towns has left behind a grim mixture of sadness, anger, fears, misery, and griefs wherever tragedy come to pass.

The waves of gun violence, hate crimes, domestic violence, health crisis, humanitarian crisis, and so many other things that have stricken the world is somehow fostering a climate of instability that has fragmented the inner peace of many souls.

Undoubtedly, many people are suffering on account of the things that are happening everywhere each day, but things should not be this way. Many people have tried to blame these happenings on the pandemic that is still abating us. However, there may be more to this story than what our eyes can see and our ears can hear.

Adversities are not funny or amusing. They can disturb the peace of our spirits and cause us to become anxious, and restless; as much as we dislike it, we all are living through these terrible realities. What should people do about these things? How can folks move on amidst the chaos?

The answers to these questions may hold the solution to many of the problems that afflict us, but from my perspective, these solutions start within us. We can do little to nothing to modify the things that we cannot control, but we can do plenty about many other things that may contribute to creating an atmosphere of contentment amidst the despair.

For this reason, I would like to share with you some suggestions that can help gladden ours and the lives of others. I hope you like these tips and encourage you to put them to the test, for I am convinced that doing these things can bring a positive change into people's lives.

Five Insights to Move on Despite Adversities and Become a Better Version of Ourselves

1- Become an influencer. You do not need to be a famous person or social media geek with millions of followers to become an influencer. You can do so from your very own little corner. For example, one of the greatest influencers I have ever known was my very own mother. She never had an email account or a social media, but her influence touched the lives of numerous individuals of all ages.

My mother was always there for anyone who needed her. She always had a wise word of advice and comfort for people who were confused, frustrated or stressed-out. Her hands were always ready to help others; and her humble home was always open to everyone, especially the poor and needy. Everyone who had the pleasure to meet my mother was touched by the power of her influence.

Although her shoes fit me very big, I am trying to walk in them and follow after her example. You too can do the same; become an influencer and bring positivity into other people's lives. The people in your inner circle, your relatives, friends, acquaintances, and even the stranger you may meet sporadically, they all can profit from any wise and kind word or action you can share with them.

2- Focus on the positive aspect of your negative situations. Think about this, when adversity comes around, people can get hurt by the bad things that happen to them. However, looking at those things from their positive side can help individuals realize that they can extract something good out of their adversities. Some adverse situations can teach people to slow down, keep their heads standing tall over their shoulders, and have a hopeful attitude amidst the difficulties. Aren't these good things that we all must nurture each day?

3- Never forget who you are. Know that, like every human being, you are unique and special in the eyes of God and mankind.

The great Creator of the Universe loves and cares for all of us (even when we cannot see or understand it). For this reason, we should not let anything or nobody put us down or take away our joy. Contrarily, we should always keep in mind that we are God's creation and that He wants us what is best for us. This noble thought will help us remember who we are and what is our calling. This mindset can empower individuals to face their difficulties, withstand any test of troubling circumstances, and overcome their adversities.

4- Become an agent for change. Every individual has the potential and capacity to generate positive changes. The kind of change we can help bring depends upon who we are or choose to be. Hence, we can choose to become agents for goodness and peace around us, or we can train our minds to cope with evil and make the worst of ourselves and our adversities. This last choice will surely add chaos, tragedy, misery and griefs into ours lives and will have negative impacts in the lives of many other people as well.

5- Nurture good the good traits in your character. Nobody is perfect, but we all have good and bad traits. When we nurture the good traits our thoughts and actions are likely to outshine our bad traits and we become agents for goodness. Thus, combining our positive attributes with the power of love, faith, perseverance, and optimism is a great undertaking that can suit anyone. Also, being willing to chase after positive things can help individuals extract many good things out of this life. Likewise, adding some enthusiasm and positive insights to our good choices may help us stay focused on the tasks that lay ahead of us and conquer many obstacle or difficulty that may threaten to smother our chances of being happy.

In a nutshell, troubles and trials can be overwhelming and slow us down in our journey to fulfilling our destiny. Therefore, we must vest ourselves with positive attributes, be patient amidst the trials and hope for the best outcomes. Embracing these initiatives can empower us to become better persons despite our difficulties. People who embrace positive and empowering attitudes towards life's situations are better able to pace themselves, consider their choices, and make good decisions to solve their problems. Therefore, let us all focus on the positive aspects of our lives that we may be able to overcome the hurdles and difficulties we encounter each day.

Finally, I cannot end this post without reminding you that you are loved. You are special in the eyes of the God who has chosen you (Isaiah 43:10). He has set apart for a great purpose, (Jeremiah 1:5). isn't this a wonderful thought? What a joyous privilege! We are highly regarded by the Almighty! Let us treasure this blessed assurance in our minds that we may be better able to move on despite the trials and overcome our hurdles.

Let us vest ourselves with positive attributes, be patient amidst the trials and hope for the best outcomes. Let no problem, difficulty, people, or circumstance ever put us down or take away our joy. Rather, let us keep these insights in the back of our minds. Then, our troubles or difficulty will not hurdle us down. We will vest ourselves in our best and most positive attributes, we will be patient amidst the trials, will will have brighter hopes for better outcomes, and we will keep on moving forward.

Let us be mindful of these thoughts and do our best to be our best. Have a blessed day everyone!

***Discover the power to obtain triumph over troubles. Read God's with you, Confident Assurance for Triumphant living. Available on our online store.

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