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Five Insights to Overcome Difficulties - I

Updated: Mar 16, 2022

Everyday, people from every creed, ethnicity, language, and background get entangled in the middle of different kinds of situations that could bring laughter or sorrows into their lives. You and I count among those people. Even if we do not know each other personally, we have several things in common. For this reason, I am sharing with you this article about some of the things that matter to us all. So, I want to invite you to get lost inside its content and together, let us go over some practical ways to face our daily challenges.

The past couple of years have brought us through a terrible pandemic season that has claimed the lives of numerous people, young and old. Thankfully, the COVID-19 pandemic that is finally subsiding. However, there are still many people at risk of getting infected with its deadly virus, but the rate of infection is trending low. Thus, restrictions are being lifted and life is slowly going back to what it used to be before 2020.

The current year found us facing other challenges, which may or may not be connected to the things we endured last year. Many things, good and bad have already happened this year, and many other things are yet to come. Numerous businesses have collapsed and several others are still striving to survive.

Fortunately. the economic recession that resulted from the pandemic itself seems to be fading away behind new innovative opportunities that are bringing business back to the marketplace. Good will and determination is helping people stay afloat. The desire of attaining the coveted success they're yearning for keeps people moving on day by day.

We also have gone and are going through a social crisis characterized by violent acts against humanity. Some individuals have opted for taking "matters" into their own hands, and have literally beaten other people out for reasons that they don't even understand. Many others seem to handle their guns as if they were toys. Hence, people from different backgrounds and ethnicities are being hurt or killed for bogus reasons in the aftermath of gun violence.

Some folks may wonder why these things have to happen whereas others might be fearful to leave the comfort of their homes, or are tempted to stop working on good things like earning their living and bettering themselves.

The social, economic, and political crisis that has engulfed the world has taken a toll on the lives of numerous people. Nevertheless, positive-minded individuals will refuse to let the things of this life keep them stagnant in the midst of their valleys.

Optimistic folks might not be able to bring back the "good old days," but will remain hopeful in the midst of their difficulties. These individuals will also strive to be the best version of themselves they can ever be each day. Are you one of them?

Have an honest conversation with yourself and ask yourself these questions: How has the current state of affairs impacted your life? Have you lost any loved ones? Are you struggling with financial loses or social conflicts? Are you prisoner of fears? What is your current state of mind?

Perhaps all these questions have made your mind dizzy. However, getting up after falling down and resolving to keep on moving forward despite difficulties are positive approaches to solve our problem.

Therefore, I encourage you to be true to yourself and keep on moving towards the realization of your plans. Your efforts might not yield immediate results, but in time, you will harvest the fruits of your hard labor and rejoice in your triumphs rather than wallowing in your sorrows.

I hope that this post have been a blessing to you and welcome you to read the second part of this article, which discusses some practical insights to stay motivated despite adversities. Also, please give us a thumbs up and share this article with someone you care about. Have a blessed day!

Learn more about God's plan for your life. Delve inside the pages of "GOD IS WITH YOU, Confident Assurance for Triumphant Living. Available on our online store!

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