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How to Overthrow Negative Emotions

We all have feelings that need to be acknowledged and recognized by others. Some feelings like love, joy, hopefulness, gladness, peacefulness, and contentment can brighten people's mood each day. I call them positive feelings or emotions.

These feelings bring happiness into people's lives. Therefore, we should always take time to affirm each other's positive feelings, especially LOVE, which is the biggest and most beautiful emotion of all.

Opposite to them are other feelings like sadness, anger, despair, loneliness, and fear, and other negative emotions. They may emerge in people's lives naturally or as a result of some bad or unwanted life's occurrence. These feelings can darken people's mood; hence, they should not be entertained or nurtured by anybody.

Then again, what should people do about their emotions? The answer is simple: folks must nurture positive emotions and enjoy them to the fullest. Handling negative emotions could be more complicated because nobody likes to feel angry, sad, or afraid, lonely, etc. Nevertheless, learning to cope with their negative emotions by replacing the bad things with the positive things can gladden people's lives and make their days even brighter.

For some individuals, replacing negative emotions with positive ones could prove to be nearly impossible because they cannot avoid feeling the way they do. Nevertheless, the word 'impossible' should be the last one in one's vocabulary. One must strive daily to find new ways to overcome the hurdles, including the emotional ones.

This task could be easy or complex depending on people's resources and willingness to overcome the things that have caused them to feel somber. However, entertaining negative emotions could ruin people's relationships with each other.

I doubt that anyone likes feeling sad, angry, lonely, or afraid. I also think that nobody likes being yelled up, nagged up, censored, criticized by others? All these things could throw shadows over people's lives. The problem is that sometimes, people cannot avoid experiencing these emotions. Fortunately, folks can overcome the things that ruin their mood.

Constructive ways to overpower negative emotions are:

  1. Seeking professional help,

  2. Reading good books,

  3. Staying focused on inspirational things,

  4. Sharing meaningful moments with loved ones and other caring people

Additional Tips

People can do many other things to replace negative emotions with positive emotions. Since I am not a behaviorist or psychologist, I will only share in this article some of the things that have worked out for me and some of my loved ones:

  1. Make personal efforts to better yourself each day

  2. Rise out of the ashes of your miseries and focus on more positive things.

  3. Overlook flaws and past failures

  4. Embrace a forgiving spirit

  5. Find something positive about your troubling circumstances

  6. Find something good in all people, including the troublemakers.

  7. Love everyone despite their flaws.

These simple insights can help turn negative emotions into positive ones. Enacting these tips can also ease the effect of some troublesome circumstances that may cause people's emotions to become frail.

Many things can go wrong in life; many of our plans may fall apart, and many people may let us down. However, if we choose to raise after each failure, and love others despite the disappointments, we will be happier and better people.

Lastly, the holy word tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8), and that He has bestowed His love upon us humans.

God's love makes bad things more bearable for those who believe in Him because this love is attached to the assurance of having a Mighty companion in the midst o our distresses, and better hopes for more positive outcomes in the upcoming future.

Therefore, let the cords of God's love wrap us tight and all around. Let His love change our hearts and renew our hearts. Let love rule the world and let everybody find happiness and freedom through love.

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