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Positive Stances to Abate the Frustrations

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

The past several months has been crowded with all kind of happenings and novelties. Some of them have been good and exiting; others have been upsetting, dramatic, and sometimes traumatic.

It is not difficult to notice how divided is the nation we call "the land of the free and the home of the brave." Aside from the COVID 19 pandemic, people's creeds, beliefs, and expectations are tightly linked to the disturbing turn of events that have caused much chaos and death all around.

The aftermath of these things has left many people struggling with many difficult situations, which have flooded the eyes of numerous people with torrents of tears. These occurrences have also inflicted other lives with sadness, griefs, and other distresses and troubling feelings.

When considering these things, I think of the frustration that Jesus' disciples experienced after His crucifixion. These disciples believed that Jesus was "the Messiah that was to come" (Matthew 11:3), and hoped that He would deliver their people from the roman yoke.

However, the hopes and aspirations of Jesus' followers came crashing down the day Jesus died on the cross. After that day, many of these disciples went into hiding. Some of them forsook their faith and others secluded themselves in a special room to pray for guidance from above (Acts 1:13-14).

Four months later, these believers received a celestial blessing that empowered them to finish the work that Jesus had started (Acts Chapter 2). Today, like in Jesus' days, many individuals had upheld great hopes for the immediate present and the upcoming future.

The parade of disturbing things that are happening everyday around the world, has filled the hearts of many individuals with anxiety and frustration. Distresses and despair have overtaken the lives of many individuals, whose hopes came crashing down by the turn of events and circumstances that they could not control or understand.

Fortunately, the hopes for better things to come is always there. Therefore, people who believe in God must trust in Him because He causes "all things to work for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His divine purpose" (Romans 8:28, NIV).

God can do away with all the sadness, frustrations, and fears that are wrecking the lives of countless individuals. We may not know why bad things happen to people, but we must stand assured that the Lord will come through for His own and will make things better for everyone.

So, let us fill our minds with optimistic thoughts and look forward to the future with confidence despite adversity and trials. Let us also be true to our faith and moral values, which will help us move forward and conquer our worst situations.

If we do these things, God will bestow His gifts of peace, prosperity unto us. Then, gladness and contentment will rule the destinies of our lives. We will be able to face every circumstance with confident assurance, look beyond our frustrations, and embrace better hopes for positive outlooks in the future ahead.


Learn more about how God can help you deal with your situations. Delve into the pages of God's with You, Confidence Assurance for Triumphant Living.

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