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Thriving Despite COVID 19

Updated: Mar 23, 2022

"Mommy! Mommy!"

My teenage excited daughter called me.

"When are we going shopping for dresses?"

With a glance of approval I told her: “anytime my dear.”

She smiled at me and immediately set a day for that shopping trip. Her High School PROM and graduation ceremony was still several weeks away. However, unwilling to leave things for the last minute, my daughter started working on her wardrobe and many other things she needed to get herself ready for the perfect High School graduation.

We went from one store to the next, looking for that perfect dress. My daughter liked many dresses, but had a hard time choosing one. Several weeks passed by and PROM day was fast approaching. I started to get anxious about my daughter getting a nice dress because getting a PROM dress in May and June could be very difficult. The longer one waits, the harder it gets to find a good dress.

One week before PROM my daughter was still searching for that dress. I have seen some nice dresses at a small store out of town, but had not taken my daughter to see them yet. I thought in my heart that she would despise those dresses as she did all the others, but time was running out. Since I had nothing to lose, I encouraged my precious teenager to check out those dresses. To my surprise and delight, my daughter bought her PROM dress at that store. The rest of her shopping was easier; so, she was able to get ready for her special event on time.

Each time I watch a PROM story on the local news show, I go back in time and remember the story I just shared with you. Seeing the happy faces of senior students makes me think of their yearnings, aspirations, plans and projects. Two years ago, we got hit by a pandemic that took some of that frenzy away from our teens.

I followed the developments of PROM season on that occasion as well. I pondered upon the feelings these teens might have experienced when they finally realized what COVID 19 had taken stolen from them. The memories of these students not being able to celebrate their graduation properly still slice my heart to pieces.

The experience with my daughter had opened in me, a little window through which I could glance through the feelings of people her age. Thus, I was able to appreciate the resilience shown by the class of 2020. Their attitudes towards what had happened to them flooded my heart with an overwhelming feelings of joy. I.felt proud of our students for having stood tall amidst their inconveniences. I admired the courage these young men and women displayed that year, for they came up with many innovative ways to celebrate their big day in different, yet meaningful ways.

I was not the only one experiencing these feelings, for I imagine that the entire nation was feeling the same pride for our youngsters. This might have been part of the reason for propelling the initiatives of former President Barack Obama and all the celebrities. They all teamed up to celebrate the first virtual graduation in America. I admired their endeavors as well.

Thus, the class of 2020 could not celebrate a traditional PROM. However, history will remember these students as the special class, which was recognized and celebrated by prominent celebrities and countless thoughtful individuals nationwide. Their virtual recognition did not fully make up for the parties and ceremonies that were previously planned for them. However, it was something unique that has left its print in history and in the hearts of many people.

Once again, another graduation season is approaching. Hence, I salute all the efforts our young people make to better themselves and encourage them to be courageous, innovative, and resilient; to aim high and keep on moving forward despite difficulties, for they are the future of our society.

Graduations are special occasions that mark the end of a learning cycle and the beginning of a new journey as a graduate. Looking at things from that angle makes me realize that every human is also a student in the school of life. We all learn new things each day, and have to prepare for the situations that test the endurance of our strengths, personalities, faith, and values.

Like the graduating class of 2020, we too have faced many challenges, and have to prepare for the ones to come; but one day we too will graduate. One day, troubles and trials will be over and we will graduate from the school of life. Some individuals will graduate with honors whereas others will barely make it, and the dropped outs will be the only students missing their own graduation. So, let us look forward to graduation day, the day the Lord has chosen to end everything that troubles us and let us get ready to move on to the next chapter of our journey: Eternity with the Lord!


Learn more about God’s love and His plan for your life. Get a copy of the book "God's With you," which is available at our online store. Also, please feel free to contact us with your requests for prayers and Bible studies, and above all things, never forget that God is with you always.

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