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Uphold Great Expectations

Sometimes in life, people go through some difficult or critical situations that test the strengths of their faith, courage, and willpower. Many folks have everything they need both in the good and the bad seasons in their lives. Others appear to have been neglected and forgotten by seemingly everyone. While joggling their options, most people try to overcome their obstacles and attain their goals. These undertakings might be easier for individuals who count with a strong network of supporters. But, what can be said about those folks who find themselves alone each day, trying to carry out their routines and fulfill their obligations? Can they too succeed in life?

While typing these words, I recall the memories of some of the incidents that occurred on the morning of January 2. Many people got out of their homes and went back to work thinking that they would have a wonderful day. Instead, they found out that their employers were downsizing their staff, and by the end of the day, many of them were laid out of their jobs. Some of these individuals mourned their losses in hope, others gave in to their despair.

Certainly, we are living in perilous times, but we must never forget that despite any real or apparent situations, God is always there, ready, willing, and able to help us get through our situations.our distresses. The Lord is still in control. He is aware of everything that matters to us. He cares for you and I and is always by our side. He can gladden the lives of anyone who had hoped for bright beginnings, but instead, got stuck with a baggage of trials and misfortunes.

You might be among the countless people who started this year with a hopeful heart filled with many great and wonderful expectations, but got slapped with a very different reality. If so, please do not despair. Do not get discouraged amid your turmoil. Have faith in God and keep on moving on. Although the year has already began unfolding, there is still plenty of time to attain your goals and materialize your expectations.

Thus, embrace your dreams and go back to the drawing board. Continue working on your yearly resolutions, strive to live a happier and better life despite the difficulties. Adversities may test the strengths of your determination and courage, or might cause you to stay one step behind your target goals, but cannot destroy the dream that still lies within you. Like the ones before, this year is also loaded with many pleasant and unpleasant surprises for everyone. This is an unavoidable reality that nobody can deny or ignore.

Therefore, let us keep on moving forward; let us ride our circumstances and overcome the obstacles that we might encounter in our ways. Also, let us never forget that God is always nigh. He empowers and strengthens His children, and through Him, we all can find answers to our inquiries and solutions to our problems. So, go on! Give God the first, the last, and the most important place in your life and He will pour His showers of blessing upon you throughout this year and many more to come.


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