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What's About Love that...?

To this day, countless people celebrate their friends and special loved ones on February 14. On this date, people honor their significant loved ones in more special ways than they do any other day.

Have you ever wondered why people care so much about this tradition? What about love drives people 'bananas'? Seriously, what is that feeling that we call love?

Many people have tried answering the above questions, but to my knowledge, nobody has yet come out with a real definition for this wonderful feeling. However, countless individuals from many backgrounds, age, religion, and cultures have expressed their understanding of this feeling we call 'love.' So, today, I am joining their number, in expressing my deepest thoughts about love.

I cannot give you a complete definition for it, but I can tell you that love is more than a feeling that shakes us from head to toe; it is more than a sweet sensation that makes our hearts bubble over with joy.

Love is an umbrella that shelters us from the rain; it's a warm hug in the middle of the night; it's a flashlight in the darkness; it's a meal for two. Love is a pair of little feet stumbling in the room, and jumping on the bed when you are fast asleep.

Love is feeling the stroke of a rough hand on one's face. Love is hearing our loved one's voice wherever we are. Love is experiencing the joy of sharing a deep physical and emotional connection with a special someone.

Love is also feeling the spear of sadness in the face of departure; it is feeling glad when our loved ones are happy, and sad when they are sad.

Love is a tender touch, a loyal friend, a selfless act, a gentle nature, a patient heart. Love is all that and so much more. Love is a principle that must rule our lives. For these and countless other reasons, I firmly declare that a loveless life is a useless one because love is all in all.

Love endures forever. Though it costs so little, it is worth so much. Many things can be bought and paid for, but nobody can put a price tag on love, because LOVE IS PRICELESS.

The personification of love is God. He rules our lives and fills it out with overflowing, never-ending love, happiness, and peace. Have you experienced His goodness in your life? I hope your answer is "yes," Regardless, I wish you have all the love you can get from your loved ones and concerned acquaintances.

Be blessed, be happy, and have a very happy Valentine's Day!!!!

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