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Yearning for True Freedom

...if they were here, these brave soldiers would want to see a united country where the notes of freedom would resonate everywhere as chants of victories and justice for everyone. Is that what we have so far? Do the people living in the "land of the free" have real freedom, justice, and peace? Will there ever be true freedom in the world?

July 4th is one of the most patriotic days in the American calendar. It marks the celebration of the country's emancipation from the British. Therefore, this national celebration always provides individuals with wonderful occasions to partake with loved ones and acquaintances.

People celebrate this day in many meaningful ways, including public patriotic events, fireworks, and of course, the traditional gatherings of families and friends in the "great outdoors" or just next to the barbecue grill.

This festive occasion often causes me to ponder about the number of people who make a stop in the middle of their celebrations to think about the cost of their freedom. How many lives were lost in the sod that received the blood of the bravest soldiers in the history of the country that it is now called: "the land of the free and the home of the brave"?

I think that if they were here, these brave soldiers would want to see a united country where the notes of freedom would resonate everywhere as chants of victories and justice for everyone. Is that what we have so far? Do the people living in the "land of the free" have real freedom, justice, and peace? Is there unity and peace among individuals? Will there ever be true freedom in this land and worldwide?

Think about the things that are currently imprisoning the fair people living in this nation. Diseases, sorrows, famine, violence, injustices, and death, rank high among the things that have taken people's freedom away from them. How can people make it through these deplorable circumstances? People fight for their freedom, but since social freedom is not the only freedom that is needed these days, folks must also strive to find true freedom, the kind that can keep one's souls at ease, even amidst the darkest hours in one's life.

That true freedom will bestow individuals the kind of peace and contentment that cannot be found in parliaments, banks, hospitals, and other important earthly places, which provide solutions to many of the calamities afflicting people who have been deprived from their true freedom. This true freedom cannot be found in houses of worship either, for true freedom can only come from the One who once said: "if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed" (Jn. 8:36). He is the only One who can set people free from the bondage of hardships, infirmities, discord, injustices, and other disturbing things that are holding folks prisoners in their own homes, in their own minds.

So, as you go through this Independence Day, think about the freedom you have; also, think about the things that hold you captive and prevent you from being the person you want to be, or doing the things you want to do.

Then, remember that the freedom giver is ready willing and able to set you "free indeed". He said: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid" (Jn. 14:27).

Do you have that kind of peace? Do you want to have it? If so, do not hesitate, find the freedom giver and ask Him to give you peace beyond all understanding. Only then, you will experience true freedom in your life. Happy 4th of July everyone!


Learn more about the freedom giver.

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