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Sometime ago, my husband and I watched a movie about a courageous man who was trying to save the lives of his team mates, which were trapped inside a burning building. These men and women were firefighters who got trapped in the line of duty. The inferno they were in threatened to scorch them to dust.

The hero in this story knew they were running out of time. So, he went up to the roof of the building to make an opening that would create an outlet to bring much needed air and light inside the burning building. This would help the exhausted victims catch their breath and find their way out of the building before it collapsed on top of them.

Unfortunately, the hero who opened the hole on the roof of the burning building did not live to see the fruits of his labor, for he fell to his death while executing his mission; but his sacrifice brought life onto those who were about to perish.

The images playing before my eyes reminded me of another hero who sacrificed his most precious treasure to save the ones he loved. That hero was none other than God Himself. When He sent His Son Jesus unto the world to redeem the children of His creation from the curse of sin. To accomplish this purpose, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ unto the world to suffer a vicarious death that would bring the hope of eternal salvation unto the fallen human race (John 3:16).

Thus, God sacrificed Himself by giving us His most precious treasure (Jesus) to save the world from the curse of sin. Paul the Apostle refers to this disposition saying that "God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people's sins against them" (2 Corinthians 5:19, NLT). Today, these biblical truths are bringing hope onto millions of people worldwide.

Like the building in the story, troubles and trials come forth like an inferno of difficulties that threaten to vanish our hopes for happier living. Thankfully, for as long as God's children remember that He loves them with everlasting love, they will remain safe, strong, and unwavering amid the infernos in their lives.

God loves us beyond measure. Let this precious thought shine bright amidst the darkness of chaos and confusion that has overcome the world. Embracing this confident assurance can help God's children stay strong and find comfort while traveling the sods of this life. The question is, do you believe these things? Do you believe that God loves you beyond measure? I hope so.

It is my wish that the peace and love of God may shine bright in your life despite all the darkness, chaos, and confusion that have engulfed the world. Let the testimony of our lives shout loudly to the world that we are loved by a God that is always nigh and will never leave us. He guides and helps us overcome the trials or challenges in our lives. I encourage you to find comfort in these thoughts and keep on moving onward.


Learn more about God's plan and purpose for your life. Read the book God's with you, Confident Assurance for Triumphant Living. You may read this book for free on Wattpad, or purchase a copy on our online store and other major book sellers. Many blessings to you!

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